Neurorganon Upper Level Ontology (NULO)
HTML5 Table of Contents

Classes of Information Resources


NameDefinitionReference Work
Abstraction A sub-collection of Thing. Each instance is a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples. CYC
Abstraction Abstraction is a process by which concepts are derived from the usage and classification of literal ("real" or "concrete") concepts, first principles, or other methods. "An abstraction" is the product of this process – a concept that acts as a super-categorical noun for all subordinate concepts, and connects any related concepts as a group, field, or category. Abstractions may be formed by reducing the information content of a concept or an observable phenomenon, typically to retain only information which is relevant for a particular purpose. For example, abstracting a leather soccer ball to the more general idea of a ball retains only the information on general ball attributes and behavior, eliminating the other characteristics of that particular ball. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Address Abstract concept expressing a location on the Earth's surface, or manner or identification of various computing objects REF-WIKI
Address The address element represents the contact information for the section it applies to. If it applies to the body element, then it instead applies to the document as a whole. PROG-HTML

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Agent The collection of underspecified individuals-- tangible or otherwise -- which are typically conceptualized by human beings for purposes of common-sense reasoning as contributing (or complicitous) agents. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Artifact A specialization of InanimateObject. Each instance of Artifact is an at least partially tangible thing which was intentionally created by an Agent_PartiallyTangible (or a group of Agent_PartiallyTangibles working together) to serve some purpose or perform some function. Examples of Artifacts include a wooden flute that's been whittled from a tree branch, a sawhorse that's been put together out of boards and nails, and a coin that's been minted by embossing or by melting liquid silver into a mold. In addition to the obvious human artifacts (buildings, tools, textiles, power lines), the collection Artifact also includes certain sorts of things made by Animals, such as bird nests, termite mounds, and beaver dams. Artifacts without any tangible parts are excluded from the collection Artifact; they are included in the collection Artifact_Intangible. CYC
Artifact A collection of things created by Agent_PartiallyTangibles. These creations may be either tangible (like a hammer, a bowl, or a bridge) or intangible (like a set of laws, a KnowledgeBase, or Beethoven's Ninth Symphony). Thus, the collection of Artifact_Generics is partitioned into Artifact and Artifact_Intangible (q.v.). CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Broadcasting (media) Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via any audio or visual mass communications medium, but usually one using electromagnetic radiation (radio waves). CYC
Broadcasting (media) A collection of Events; a subset of MediaTransmitting. In every Broadcasting event, an InformationBearingWavePropagation is converted into radio signals, which are transmitted by a BroadcastAntenna and received by a ReceivingAntenna. Subsets of Broadcasting are RadioBroadcasting and TVBroadcasting. CYC
Broadcasting (media) A collection of ConceptualWorks created for the purposes of Broadcasting. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
CYC (EN-CYC-LOPEDIA) Cyc is an artificial intelligence project that attempts to assemble a comprehensive ontology and knowledge base of everyday common sense knowledge, with the goal of enabling AI applications to perform human-like reasoning. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Electronic device Electronics deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The nonlinear behaviour of active components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification of weak signals possible and electronics is widely used in information processing, telecommunications and signal processing. The ability of electronic devices to act as switches makes digital information processing possible. Interconnection technologies such as circuit boards, electronics packaging technology, and other varied forms of communication infrastructure complete circuit functionality and transform the mixed components into a working system. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Data Model A specialization of both InformationStore and PartiallyIntangibleIndividual. Each instance of StructuredInformationSource is an InformationStore in which bits of information are represented as related in a systematic way that is easily characterized by some type of formal structure, including spatial or architectural terms (used metaphorically). Examples include: a database organized in fields and values; a spreadsheet organized in rows and columns with entries; an organizational tree diagram with nodes and branches; a topographical map; a document written in HTML (hyper-text markup language). Negative examples include computer programs, poems, and novels. CYC
Data Model A high-level data model in business or for any functional area is an abstract model that documents and organizes the business data for communication between functional and technical people. It is used to show the data needed and created by business processes. A data model in software engineering is an abstract model that documents and organizes the business data for communication between team members and is used as a plan for developing applications, specifically how data are stored and accessed. According to Hoberman (2009), 'A data model is a wayfinding tool for both business and IT professionals, which uses a set of symbols and text to precisely explain a subset of real information to improve communication within the organization and thereby lead to a more flexible and stable application environment.' A data model explicitly determines the structure of data or structured data. Typical applications of data models include database models, design of information systems, and enabling exchange of data. Usually data models are specified in a data modeling language. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Document A specialization of InformationStore. Each instance of Document is either an abstract or concrete document of some sort. Documents, thus broadly construed, may be textual or non-textual. CYC
Document The term document has multiple meanings in ordinary language and in scholarship. WordNet 3.1. lists four meanings (October 2011): document, written document, papers (writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature)) document (anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks) document (a written account of ownership or obligation) text file, document ((computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters). REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Data Structure In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently. Data structures provide a means to manage huge amounts of data efficiently, such as large databases and internet indexing services. Usually, efficient data structures are a key to designing efficient algorithms. Some formal design methods and programming languages emphasize data structures, rather than algorithms, as the key organizing factor in software design. Data structures are generally based on the ability of a computer to fetch and store data at any place in its memory, specified by an address—a bit string that can be itself stored in memory and manipulated by the program. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Data Type In computer science and computer programming, a data type or simply type is a classification identifying one of various types of data, such as real-valued, integer or Boolean, that determines the possible values for that type; the operations that can be done on values of that type; the meaning of the data; and the way values of that type can be stored. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Content Format A content format is an encoded format for converting a specific type of data to displayable information. Content formats are used in recording and transmission to prepare data for observation or interpretation. This includes both analog and digitized content. Content formats may be recorded and read by either natural or manufactured tools and mechanisms. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Event An important specialization of Situation and thus also of IntangibleIndividual and TemporallyExistingThing (qq.v). Each instance of Event is a dynamic situation in which the state of the world changes; each instance is something one would say "happens". Events are intangible because they are changes per se, not tangible objects that effect and undergo changes. Notable specializations of Event include Event_Localized, PhysicalEvent, Action, and GeneralizedTransfer. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Graphics Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. The process of creating infographics can be referred to as data visualization, information design, or information architecture. REF-WIKI
Graphics Graphics (from Greek γραφικός graphikos) are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to brand, inform, illustrate, or entertain. Graphics word is derived from the word graph. Examples are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color. Graphic design may consist of the deliberate selection, creation, or arrangement of typography alone, as in a brochure, flier, poster, web site, or book without any other element. Clarity or effective communication may be the objective, association with other cultural elements may be sought, or merely, the creation of a distinctive style. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Five Ws and one H The Five Ws, Five Ws and one H, or the Six Ws are questions whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering. They are often mentioned in journalism (cf. news style), research, and police investigations. They constitute a formula for getting the complete story on a subject. According to the principle of the Five Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers these questions starting with an interrogative word: Who is it about? What happened? When did it take place? Where did it take place? Why did it happen? Some authors add a sixth question, “how”, to the list, though "how" can also be covered by "what", "where", or "when": How did it happen Each question should have a factual answer — facts necessary to include for a report to be considered complete.[4] Importantly, none of these questions can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Internet hosting service An Internet hosting service is a service that runs Internet servers, allowing organizations and individuals to serve content to the Internet. There are various levels of service and various kinds of services offered. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Information Bearing Object A specialization of both InformationBearingThing and CompositeTangibleAndIntangibleObject. Each instance of InformationBearingObject (or "IBO") is a physical object that can be interpreted to yield information. InformationBearingObject includes: (1) artifacts made solely for the purpose of conveying information (e.g., a newspaper, or a children's science video); (2) artifacts that convey information in addition to their intended function (e.g., Neolithic pottery); and (3) non-artifacts, such as a person's fingerprints or cellular DNA, which may be interpreted to yield information. A broader term that is used in CYC is InformationBearingThing. IBT is an item that contains information. An important specialization of InformationBearingThing is InformationBearingObject, which comprises all of those IBTs that are also physical objects. It is important to distinguish the many specializations of this collection from the many specializations of both AspatialInformationStore and ConceptualWork. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Identifier A specialization of SubLAtom. Each instance of IDObject is a token (such as a string or a number) that is used as an identifier for a distinct thing. Instances of IDObject may be unique identifiers, in which case they are instances of the specialization UniqueID. CYC
Identifier An identifier is a name that identifies (that is, labels the identity of) either a unique object or a unique class of objects, where the "object" or class may be an idea, physical [countable] object (or class thereof), or physical [noncountable] substance (or class thereof). The abbreviation ID often refers to identity, identification (the process of identifying), or an identifier (that is, an instance of identification). An identifier may be a word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of those. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Individual Individual is the collection of all individuals: things that are not sets or collections. Individuals might be concrete or abstract, and include (among other things) physical objects, events, numbers, relations, and groups. An instance of Individual might have parts or structure (including discontinuous parts); but no individual has elements or subsets (see elementOf and subsetOf). CYC
Individual An individual is a person or a specific object. Individuality (or selfhood) is the state or quality of being an individual; a person separate from other persons and possessing his or her own needs or goals. From the 15th century and earlier, and also today within the fields of statistics and metaphysics, individual meant 'indivisible', typically describing any numerically singular thing, but sometimes meaning 'a person.' (q.v. 'The problem of proper names'). From the seventeenth century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Information Carries, conveys context exhaustively REF-NULON
Information Φέρει εις πλήρες μέτρον, ενδελεχώς LANG-gr

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Language A specialization of CommunicationConvention. Each instance of this collection is a generative system of signs for transmitting information. These signs are normally conventional and arbitrary in nature, though the case of body language is a (borderline) exception to this. The reality of any given language consists in its being interpretable by some community (usually human -- cf. HumanLanguage). This is not quite true of ComputerLanguages, however such languages are only possible insofar as some kind of automation of the process of interpretation (by computers) has been effected. In the case of DeadLanguages, the community may not longer exist (although even if no-one can _speak_ such languages any longer, currently-interpretable texts often remain, cf., for example, AtticGreekDialect). Languages are most often spoken, but not always (cf. SignLanguage). It is also worth noting that not every system of signs is a language; a certain richness of possible expression is required. Thus MorseCode, for example, though a CommunicationConvention, is not an instance of Language. Finally, this collection is not intended to cover the special vocabulary and usages of a scientific, professional or other group, or a characteristic style of speech or writing (e.g. 'Shakespearean language'). CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Linguistic Structure A specialization of AspatialInformationStore. Each instance of LinguisticObject is an intangible object that is part of some language or other, in a broad sense of "part" whereby LinguisticObject's specializations include such diverse collections as Title, WordSense, SententialConstituent, and NonlexicalLinguisticObject. CYC
Linguistic Structure In linguistics, syntax (from Ancient Greek σύνταξις "arrangement" from σύν syn, "together", and τάξις táxis, "an ordering") is "the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages". In addition to referring to the overarching discipline, the term syntax is also used to refer directly to the rules and principles that govern the sentence structure of any individual language, for example in "the syntax of Modern Irish." Modern research in syntax attempts to describe languages in terms of such rules. Many professionals in this discipline attempt to find general rules that apply to all natural languages. The term syntax is also used to refer to the rules governing the behavior of mathematical systems, such as formal languages used in logic. (See Logical syntax). REF-WIKI
Linguistic Structure In logic, syntax is anything having to do with formal languages or formal systems without regard to any interpretation or meaning given to them. Syntax is concerned with the rules used for constructing, or transforming the symbols and words of a language, as contrasted with the semantics of a language which is concerned with its meaning. The symbols, formulas, systems, theorems, proofs, and interpretations expressed in formal languages are syntactic entities whose properties may be studied without regard to any meaning they may be given, and, in fact, need not be given any. Syntax is usually associated with the rules (or grammar) governing the composition of texts in a formal language that constitute the well-formed formulas of a formal system. In computer science, the term syntax refers to the rules governing the composition of meaningful texts in a formal language, such as a programming language, that is, those texts for which it makes sense to define the semantics or meaning, or otherwise provide an interpretation. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Administrative Metadata Administrative metadata helps to manage information resources through elements such as version number, archiving date, and other technical information for purposes of file management, rights management and preservation. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Descriptive metadata Descriptive metadata describes an information resource for identification and retrieval through elements such as title, author, and abstract. Descriptive metadata, is about individual instances of application data, the data content. In this case, a useful description (resulting in a disambiguating neologism) would be "data about data content" or "content about content" thus metacontent. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Structural Metadata Structural metadata documents relationships within and among objects through elements such as links to other components (e.g., how pages are put together to form chapters). Structural metadata, the design and specification of data structures, cannot be about data, because at design time the application contains no data. In this case the correct description would be "data about the containers of data". REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Proper Name String A name is a word or term used for identification. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A personal name identifies a specific unique and identifiable individual person, and may or may not include a middle name. The name of a specific entity is sometimes called a proper name (although that term has a philosophical meaning also) and is a proper noun. REF-WIKI
Proper Name String According to the TMDM, a topic name is a name for a topic, consisting of the base form, known as the base name, and variants of that base form, known as variant names. REF-TMLG

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Subject Indexing Subject indexing is the act of describing or classifying a document by index terms or other symbols in order to indicate what the document is about, to summarize its content or to increase its findability. In other words, it is about identifying and describing the subject of documents. Indexes are constructed, separately, on three distinct levels: terms in a document such as a book; objects in a collection such as a library; and documents (such as books and articles) within a field of knowledge. REF-WIKI
Subject Indexing Document classification or document categorization is a problem in library science, information science and computer science. The task is to assign a document to one or more classes or categories. This may be done 'manually' (or 'intellectually') or algorithmically. The intellectual classification of documents has mostly been the province of library science, while the algorithmic classification of documents is used mainly in information science and computer science. The problems are overlapping, however, and there is therefore also interdisciplinary research on document classification. The documents to be classified may be texts, images, music, etc. Each kind of document possesses its special classification problems. When not otherwise specified, text classification is implied. Documents may be classified according to their subjects or according to other attributes (such as document type, author, printing year etc.). There are two main philosophies of subject classification of documents: The content based approach and the request based approach. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Notation The term notation can refer to: Phonographic writing systems, by definition, use symbols to represent components of auditory language, i.e. speech, which in turn refers to things or ideas. The two main kinds of phonographic notational system are the alphabet and syllabary. Some written languages are more consistent in their correlation of written symbol or grapheme and sound or phoneme, and are therefore considered to have better phonemic orthography. Ideographic writing, by definition, refers to things or ideas independently of their pronunciation in any language. All of the notational systems listed below are ideographic. Some ideographic systems are also pictograms that convey meaning through their pictorial resemblance to a physical object. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Pattern A pattern, from the French patron ('template'), is a type of theme of recurring events or objects, sometimes referred to as elements of a set of objects. The elements of a pattern repeat in a predictable manner. Patterns can be based on a template or model which generates pattern elements, especially if the elements have enough in common for the underlying pattern to be inferred, in which case the things are said to exhibit the unique pattern. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Programming coding Computer programming (often shortened to programming or coding) is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. This source code is written in one or more programming languages (such as Java, C++, C#, Python, etc.). The purpose of programming is to create a set of instructions that computers use to perform specific operations or to exhibit desired behaviors. The process of writing source code often requires expertise in many different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms and formal logic. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Published Material The collection of all ConceptualWorks with instantiations which have been produced for distribution. Note that "published" here does not mean "printed and physically distributed", since intangible information-bearing things can be published using the WorldWideWeb_Concrete, or broadcast on the airwaves. CYC
Published Material To publish is to make content available to the general public. While specific use of the term may vary among countries, it is usually applied to text, images, or other audio-visual content on any traditional medium, including paper (newspapers, magazines, catalogs, etc.). The word publication means the act of publishing, and also refers to any printed copies. "Publication" is a technical term in legal contexts and especially important in copyright legislation. An author of a work generally is the initial owner of the copyright on the work. One of the copyrights granted to the author of a work is the exclusive right to publish the work. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Reference Work A reference work is a book or serial publication to which one can refer for confirmed facts. The information is intended to be found quickly when needed. Reference works are usually referred to for particular pieces of information, rather than read beginning to end. The writing style used in these works is informative; the authors avoid use of the first person, and emphasize facts. Many reference works are compiled by a team of contributors whose work is coordinated by one or more editors rather than by an individual author. Indexes are commonly provided in many types of reference work. Reference works include dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias, almanacs, bibliographies, and catalogs (e.g. catalogs of libraries, museums or the works of individual artists). Many reference works are available in electronic form and can be obtained as software packages or online through the Internet. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Relation A specialization of MathematicalObject and the collection of all relations. Each instance of Relation is a relation that can hold among one or more things, depending on whether the relation is unary, binary, ternary, or whatever (see arity and relationalArity). A unary relation (such as unknownSentence) is a sort of degenerate case that holds of certain individual things (in this case, all sentences that are unknown to Cyc). A binary relation (such as likesAsFriend) relates one thing to another (in this case, it relates one sentient animal to another just in case the first likes the second). A ternary relation relates certain triples of things. And so on. There are also relations of no particular fixed arity; see VariableArityRelation. Names of relations can be used to construct sentences and other formulas. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Sense Senses are physiological capacities of organisms that provide data for perception. The senses and their operation, classification, and theory are overlapping topics studied by a variety of fields, most notably neuroscience, cognitive psychology (or cognitive science), and philosophy of perception. The nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ, dedicated to each sense. Human beings have a multitude of senses. Sight (ophthalmoception), hearing (audioception), taste (gustaoception), smell (olfacoception or olfacception), and touch (tactioception) are the five traditionally recognized. Whilst the ability to detect other stimuli beyond those governed by the traditional senses exists, including temperature (thermoception), kinesthetic sense (proprioception), pain (nociception), balance (equilibrioception), acceleration (kinesthesioception)[citation needed], and various internal stimuli (e.g. the different chemoreceptors for detecting salt and carbon dioxide concentrations in the blood), only a small number of these can safely be classified as separate senses in and of themselves. What constitutes a sense is a matter of some debate, leading to difficulties in defining what exactly a sense is. REF-NULON
Sense Stimulus modality, also called sensory modality, is one aspect of a stimulus or what we perceive after a stimulus. For example the temperature modality is registered after heat or cold stimulate a receptor. Some sensory modalities include: light, sound, temperature, taste, pressure, smell. The type and location of the sensory receptor activated by the stimulus plays the primary role in coding the sensation. All sensory modalities work together to heighten stimuli sensation when necessary. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Space A specialization of Individual. The collection of all things that have a spatial extent or location relative to some other SpatialThing or in some embedding space. Note that to say that an entity is a member of this collection is to remain agnostic about two issues. First, a SpatialThing may be PartiallyTangible (e.g. Texas_State) or wholly Intangible (e.g. ArcticCircle or a line mentioned in a geometric theorem). Second, although we do insist on location relative to another spatial thing or in some embedding space, a SpatialThing might or might not be located in the actual physical universe. It is far from clear that all SpatialThings are so located: an ideal platonic circle or a trajectory through the phase space of some physical system (e.g.) might not be. If the intent is to imply location in the empirically observable cosmos, the user should employ this collection's specialization, SpatialThing_Localized. CYC
Space Space is the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction.[1] Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime. In mathematics, "spaces" are examined with different numbers of dimensions and with different underlying structures. The concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. However, disagreement continues between philosophers over whether it is itself an entity, a relationship between entities, or part of a conceptual framework. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Style sheet language A style sheet language, or style language, is a computer language that expresses the presentation of structured documents. One attractive feature of structured documents is that the content can be reused in many contexts and presented in various ways. Different style sheets can be attached to the logical structure to produce different presentations. One modern style sheet language with widespread use is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which is used to style documents written in HTML, XHTML, SVG, XUL, and other markup languages. For content in structured documents to be presented, a set of stylistic rules – describing, for example, colors, fonts and layout – must be applied. A collection of stylistic rules is called a style sheet. Style sheets in the form of written documents have a long history of use by editors and typographers to ensure consistency of presentation, spelling and punctuation. In electronic publishing, style sheet languages are mostly used in the context of visual presentation rather than spelling and punctuation. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
State (system) The present condition of a system or entity REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
System The collection of all systems -- complex objects that decompose into simpler components that, by virtue of the relations among them, form a recognizable, cohesive whole. Notable specializations include PathSystem and FunctionalSystem. The components of an instance of System can be identified using systemComponents. CYC
System A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole[citation needed] or a set of elements (often called 'components' ) and relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. The term is from the Latin word systēma, in turn from Greek σύστημα systēma, "whole compounded of several parts or members, system", literary "composition". Fields that study the general properties of systems include systems theory, cybernetics, dynamical systems, thermodynamics, and complex systems. They investigate the abstract properties of systems' matter and organization, looking for concepts and principles that are independent of domain, substance, type, or temporal scale. Some systems share common characteristics, including: A system has structure, it contains parts (or components) that are directly or indirectly related to each other; A system has behavior, it contains processes that transform inputs into outputs (material, energy or data); A system has interconnectivity: the parts and processes are connected by structural and/or behavioral relationships. A system's structure and behavior may be decomposed via subsystems and sub-processes to elementary parts and process steps. The term system may also refer to a set of rules that governs structure and/or behavior. Alternatively, and usually in the context of complex social systems, the term institution is used to describe the set of rules that govern structure and/or behavior Etymology The term is from the Latin word systēma, in turn from Greek σύστημα systēma, "whole compounded of several parts or members, system", literary "composition". REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Telephone number A specialization of ContactInfoString. Each instance of PhoneNumber is a character string that can be used to call a particular Telephone or telephone-like device, such as a Pager or FaxMachine. CYC
Telephone number A telephone number or phone number is a sequence of digits used to call from one telephone line to another in a public switched telephone network. When telephone numbers were invented, they were short — as few as one, two or three digits — and were given orally to a switchboard operator. As phone systems have grown and interconnected to encompass the world, telephone numbers have become longer. In addition to telephones, they now access other devices, such as computers and fax machines. The number contains the information necessary to identify uniquely the intended endpoint for the telephone call. Each such endpoint must have a unique number within the public switched telephone network. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Time Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Topic Map Topic Maps is a standard for the representation and interchange of knowledge, with an emphasis on the findability of information. Topic maps were originally developed in the late 1990s as a way to represent back-of-the-book index structures so that multiple indexes from different sources could be merged. However, the developers quickly realized that with a little additional generalization, they could create a meta-model with potentially far wider application. The ISO standard is formally known as ISO/IEC 13250:2003. A topic map represents information using topics, representing any concept, from people, countries, and organizations to software modules, individual files, and events, associations, representing hypergraph relationships between topics, and occurrences representing information resources relevant to a particular topic. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Thing Thing is the 'universal collection': the collection which, by definition, contains everything there is. Every thing in the Cyc ontology -- every Individual (of any kind), every Set_Mathematical, and every Collection -- is an instance of (see isa) Thing. Similarly, every collection is a subcollection of (see genls) Thing. CYC

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Transmission Protocol A communications protocol is a system of digital message formats and rules for exchanging those messages in or between computing systems and in telecommunications. A protocol may have a formal description. Protocols may include signaling, authentication and error detection and correction capabilities. A protocol definition defines the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of communication; the specified behavior is typically independent of how it is to be implemented. A protocol can therefore be implemented as hardware or software or both. Communications protocols have to be agreed upon by the parties involved. To reach agreement a protocol may be developed into a technical standard. Communicating systems use well-defined formats for exchanging messages. Each message has an exact meaning intended to provoke a defined response of the receiver. A protocol therefore describes the syntax, semantics, and synchronization of communication. A programming language describes the same for computations, so there is a close analogy between protocols and programming languages: protocols are to communications what programming languages are to computations. REF-WIKI

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NameDefinitionReference Work
Expression-Value (computer science) An expression in a programming language is a combination of explicit values, constants, variables, operators, and functions that are interpreted according to the particular rules of precedence and of association for a particular programming language, which computes and then produces (returns, in a stateful environment) another value. This process, like for mathematical expressions, is called evaluation. The value can be of various types, such as numerical, string, and logical. REF-WIKI
Expression-Value (computer science) In computer science, a value is an expression which cannot be evaluated any further (a normal form). The members of a type are the values of that type. REF-WIKI

Total Number of Topics in the Group:10


NameDefinitionReference Work
Work (human labor) A specialization of Artifact_Intangible, IntangibleExistingThing, and AspatialInformationStore. Each instance of DevisedPracticeOrWork is an abstract work which is the deliberate creation of one or more individuals working in concert. CYC

Total Number of Topics in the Group:3

Total Number of Topics : 507

Total Number of Groups : 45

Table of Contents


NULO NameFull NameGUID
ABS Abstraction C35303D3-95E4-4AAF-BAB7-54D2F616A9CC
ABS-bro Broader 906202FD-3C9F-4EF0-924A-523CA75EF7A5
ABS-containee Containee 1FC6BE53-CEB6-44F8-9B2B-754848FA7E08
ABS-container Container 9157BCC3-4652-47A0-99BF-F2A8CF7AC14C
ABS-facet Faceting 5D64B512-B3C1-42FD-B86D-717D3A2D3FE0
ABS-gen Generalise CE44B1AF-1566-4A3C-88FD-FF23482BADBE
ABS-group Group B103481B-1AA1-4CEF-BF15-369E2D4BA450
ABS-grp Grouping 6D6386C5-EA36-4C6B-8306-8FBB0A77A71B
ABS-hier Hierarchy 889D1525-973E-4200-861A-ACABA80AB05A
ABS-in Contained In 69AA8DFC-9098-487C-9A9C-580B8EE720E2
ABS-inst Instance 5298DFE0-DD50-474F-A2CA-B93588FB46C7
ABS-isa Instantiate 19D07754-58F1-44A7-A331-333C0DEB9843
ABS-member Member E0DD172B-A288-429B-8637-E92462DCF530
ABS-mer Meronomy E0039E8D-7E31-4F25-B8D2-52F51D8076A8
ABS-nar Narrower B3EBD861-64ED-45CE-AD51-8C6683C33F40
ABS-part Physical Part Of Object CC3E59AD-3256-4FFD-A411-217BC5D857FD
ABS-sub Subordinate 5F1C0C8F-5AC4-4DF2-907D-CFC45A9DF535
ABS-sup Superior 5860034E-8100-4A8E-8E35-7896A50BAF0E
ABS-type Type 396D9435-F4CD-48B6-8125-C2FC6ED0F233
ABS-whole Whole 6C6B2C70-C5A8-4AAC-B099-21793DFA2C95

Total Number of Topics in the Group:20


NULO NameFull NameGUID
ADDR Address 07013252-560F-4EAB-B4A9-E55FAA26DE3A
ADDR-domain Domain name 4807945D-E1AA-4DEC-A2EC-A23B68C3C95A
ADDR-email Email address 0B5355C3-43B0-4CA3-A3E4-66B7184D51DC
ADDR-IP Internet Protocol Address (IP) 41F488FD-2954-42E8-B7D6-C26B8E6F3C26
ADDR-mail Mailing address 869A37D8-163B-46F5-84EC-831DFC29140D
ADDR-memory Memory Address EFF2B5F2-15E5-4A6C-AB13-20B3A29B7F66
ADDR-path Pathname 890E8EEB-4DAC-44E3-A663-D2966C69A861
ADDR-PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator C6B59CD3-B51D-44A7-B7E5-FA3CCB888148
ADDR-space Address space 845AD39E-C2FE-4EB3-9180-C57CAA6AC571
ADDR-URL Uniform Resource Locator E4236EC5-2046-4BBC-8E1E-727299AF6481
ADDR-zipcode Postal code 0D9C73F3-A4F0-4C79-A1ED-DCF43FBB572F

Total Number of Topics in the Group:11


NULO NameFull NameGUID
AGENT Agent C07B78D2-0C19-407A-B55A-05423687B733
AGENT-admin Administrator 8078BCAC-1E61-4318-9F89-E34BBA466CE8
AGENT-animal Animal E5B76DDF-3B27-43D0-A32A-6FDBC7C4444E
AGENT-contr Contributor 4CF54324-1C8C-47E4-8F98-CCC56298FD4D
AGENT-cre Creator 00C6D222-D8AD-4985-A128-2FA8E2E1F943
AGENT-gen Agent Generic 1E373A93-72F9-42CF-9C25-ACDC8E54F50B
AGENT-geog Geographical Agent F0BC6F86-4CB2-4CB2-B644-17AB7B76A74E
AGENT-geop Geopolitical Entity 8E8E83D2-1185-413A-9750-D982CA608979
AGENT-group Multi-individual Agent 74AB03C7-0641-44FA-9D99-858C82355A27
AGENT-indiv Individual Agent 6352A182-516A-44AF-99A5-DEAE59D6BF1B
AGENT-intel Intelligent Agent 049A2E03-A245-42AC-AF33-536663D343A5
AGENT-org Organization 5585BE02-06BD-4238-BA47-649D3C489A70
AGENT-person Person CE636874-49E4-4D55-B4EB-8E47364BC144
AGENT-ptangible Agent Partially Tangible ECADD825-9695-44D3-8573-5211AD0FA758
AGENT-pub Publisher 5F403BEA-1CDF-4D8F-B1A5-3793FE35A3B5
AGENT-soc Social Being 1FC8505F-9560-4F09-ADA5-B51BBB4CE67C
AGENT-usr User Account 54233163-BB49-4C00-9EE0-7EE256DC1811

Total Number of Topics in the Group:17


NULO NameFull NameGUID
ART Artifact C6B49C4C-B5B7-49D1-B1FD-8152F1F0E14D
ART-agent Agentive artifact 41E9F631-8DC1-42EA-9818-188E582D843D
ART-agentNon Non-agentive artifact 67C1DA81-5C45-4D07-9396-A8391DABB0E3
ART-artWork Work of art 00BE8C54-1DB8-42BD-B0D7-256EC41A0B90
ART-audio Audio 2281D915-F3C3-4490-829F-9354F488202D
ART-constr Construction artifact 735075BC-77EA-4DD6-84E2-27FEAB40D818
ART-creHuman Human created artifact 29A36984-235C-4751-A9BD-4D0E72A4B29D
ART-image Image 31DA9BAA-225D-413A-8503-BD8A8578F5E7
ART-imagePhoto Photograph 50247D5D-31A9-42D0-996C-A9048168BC6F
ART-model Model 1AED50A0-F7C6-4CB2-B712-C6CF8D947EC1
ART-product Product E8FBC6DB-7BEC-4461-914B-167D9A993871
ART-sw Software 76D97A79-47C9-4E72-8DBE-622DED2C0431
ART-swTool Programming Tool A51782CC-FB01-482F-8636-C8CF6AB5ECFD
ART-tangibleNon Intangible artifact 028EF035-F5ED-437C-B89C-F013A64F57BC
ART-textual Textual 019FE4E5-E52E-45D5-92D2-E3CD4DD5E713
ART-tool Tool 62C526D5-9D0F-4363-92A1-E76432B93431
ART-video Video 794D28EB-63F8-46FD-BA70-794DD8D90D7A
ART-videoMovie Movie 2C0FAD82-BAD5-4A5C-A1EA-94220E0B732C
ART-visual Visual work 9F672BEB-EFC4-4CFF-9ECE-4F1DFF927B43

Total Number of Topics in the Group:19


NULO NameFull NameGUID
BCAST Broadcasting (media) 72EC8413-573E-45E9-A5AA-3919C4C57EF5
BCAST-fax Fax broadcasting E5019588-92AC-4BE5-AD52-A81F79EDBD1D
BCAST-radio Radio broadcasting F0AF7D8B-BFDB-4479-AEF3-902C72701C6E
BCAST-sat Satellite broadcasting 2C549EDA-9582-47E4-81E2-64A3023D4032
BCAST-tel Telephone broadcasting 83043618-A7C6-4F5D-8014-8B0816145BFB
BCAST-tv Television broadcasting 9A3F5FAF-CAFC-4DF9-B1BA-530DF4BE634C
BCAST-web Web broadcasting 5DA8E296-25CE-41AE-BD46-00171F637287

Total Number of Topics in the Group:7


NULO NameFull NameGUID
CYC CYC (EN-CYC-LOPEDIA) 097CF3B9-2390-4780-A835-39C1D00984C8
CYC-colType Collection Type 7E1F6DB1-9522-4502-9D87-B3C146614B82
CYC-colType1st First Order Collection B7DB8FC0-7A5B-4647-BD1B-0210866C7174
CYC-colType2nd Second Order Collection 3D2B2C90-9946-4497-A766-27CB4BB435E9
CYC-colTypeCCT Conventional Classification Type E7B87DCC-D7B8-4AAA-AE9F-B48E8B22A56A
CYC-colTypeDomain Concept Type By Domain A3810DCF-2D91-4002-B28F-7865CE45059D
CYC-colTypeFacet Faceting Collection Type 7F8D4289-2DFD-412B-A282-C5CCC635DD09
CYC-colTypeMeasure Unit of Measure Concept 9ED498BF-04D5-4BA5-81EF-4E7B5D3A0B19
CYC-colTypeObj Object-like Collection Type 005CF140-07A9-4AAF-B434-05F7800F2F65
CYC-colTypeStuff Stuff-like Collection 1B5892FC-B036-41E8-ACE9-78A8B54ACEE6
CYC-colTypeTime Time Dependent Collection Type AD94422C-955E-4D67-8512-4388AC30C265
CYC-topic CYC Topic 60AFF27C-B694-4BC5-8AF0-18224803EBA3
CYC-topicBasic CYC Basic Topic 9E08141E-C08D-40AB-B745-B51BDCAA018D
CYC-topicFund CYC Fundamental Topic F31861BD-CFE4-4A5C-BAAF-CF225D4B4C24
CYC-topicTop CYC Top Level Topic 1933BB6B-FB49-406F-B6AF-7EE1F4FDE1FC

Total Number of Topics in the Group:15


NULO NameFull NameGUID
DEV Electronic device B0A8AD34-82DA-4FBD-8380-B5B8CA9DC7B1
DEV-camcorder Video camera recorder 4C29F6BE-4538-4FB0-9D0D-B6C6BF9C47F2
DEV-camera Camera F0DF6383-3C59-483A-A0B5-8D6E0373C933
DEV-cameraDigi Digital camera 965DCF89-DDB6-4448-9C6D-5C5DDAD86E93
DEV-CE Consumer Electronics B32595A1-97D5-4EB7-9D52-CF1C5965A5B2
DEV-comp Computer C0B302B4-4068-48EB-97FC-54D44E06154B
DEV-compMonitor Computer display 723EDDD7-4259-4276-9114-8AE8E344311B
DEV-compPC Personal Computer FCB2FEC6-716B-44EB-99B0-C51C0FD03132
DEV-compPeripheral Computer peripheral device 30EE3ECF-8BFD-447C-AEC2-2D8E998E65A7
DEV-compSmartphone Smartphone 5A2802A4-68BB-48EE-A591-EF1613E02EA8
DEV-compStorage Computer Storage Device 544F4B5E-FF90-4B49-BF45-CA515B7247AA
DEV-compTablet Tablet computer 214AF02B-C744-46D2-81B2-29117266F99B
DEV-diagnostic Diagnostic scanning machine 510F0DAD-9D81-442D-93A6-2AD942016EA7
DEV-DVDR DVD recorder 16F07F16-7D55-4830-96F3-744733376A5D
DEV-DVR Digital video recorder DA761A26-9C63-4ED8-B641-08C90A4CF1B6
DEV-FAX Facsimile 3C5E4F14-CB4B-4FEE-95B4-0E81E400A77D
DEV-FDD Floppy disk drive 071C7BE4-F368-4A7F-8119-E0E1F22E8BFC
DEV-HDD Hard disk drive 151A68F3-BBF5-42D9-B37A-C7A3C655D1CA
DEV-machineAns Answering Machine EB2E4F22-128E-4980-940F-03C0671890D5
DEV-MTD Magnetic tape drive 6F8FACD2-35AA-4C69-AB2C-860B81E2C652
DEV-printer Computer printer 7F818C09-8966-4BF5-9765-8D086A07CFF2
DEV-storeData Data storage device 4525938C-80F9-4E19-876C-F2F435A8B1B7
DEV-storeMag Magnetic computer storage device 1D74C455-5431-4667-9488-B38185CB5B09
DEV-tapeRec Tape recorder 01016278-A6F7-4F46-8F0E-E12627EDA6F0
DEV-VCR VideoCassette Recorder 0894BAC8-677B-4688-95B6-17A4E35FB111

Total Number of Topics in the Group:25


NULO NameFull NameGUID
DMOD Data Model 7B2E835C-1BEE-42B8-AAE0-8480A51FFEFE
DMOD-DB Database 0B0F0166-EE10-484F-8A25-1CF1702109D9
DMOD-dictionary Dictionary A5ED10D2-7597-46A3-8CB8-8BF281C0A0B1
DMOD-metadata Metadata modeling 754A79EB-C772-40A3-8467-77BF8FE11645
DMOD-ndx Indexed Information Source FC117FA6-56E0-4617-8DB6-79FA391D1BD3
DMOD-ndxD Dynamic Indexed Information Source 1E45AFCD-8B37-4BEB-87BC-4892E55EAA49
DMOD-ontology Ontology 25658539-D2A7-44CA-AA1C-BD45009E487E
DMOD-OWL Web Ontology Language (OWL) 5B1EEF1A-29B8-4A8B-8D49-7736DEC1CD4A
DMOD-RDB Relational Database 96DC26DA-7A1E-48BF-8A5B-E1FB8282EF05
DMOD-RDF Resource Description Framework (RDF) 8FF36AB3-97F1-4088-BB65-B63EDEDCD807
DMOD-tax Taxonomy 070D4603-612B-4125-9CBD-B0469E5393CA
DMOD-thesaurus Thesaurus D52EEBD4-B0FC-4343-93C0-AD39B55DFF0A
DMOD-wndr Wandora Class 49251AA3-84B2-4DA4-850B-97ED1E051543

Total Number of Topics in the Group:13


NULO NameFull NameGUID
DOC Document CA6419BC-0426-49B4-B1A1-330F9F789A7A
DOC-email Email 97B5EF52-2C5A-457A-9742-867F3444514D
DOC-license License 1F24E75E-42BA-453A-903A-3BF3CD3AD306
DOC-manual User guide AFDACA72-5B99-4B31-9AE4-AC46FCD4F222
DOC-official Official document 97702344-7AFA-434C-B451-F85B69AA5EB1
DOC-policy Policy 28E71A90-97BC-49BA-9022-B699918FBA9A
DOC-proposal Proposal 9988182B-FD06-4C84-AAEF-9D71C723AA47
DOC-report Report 2B1CE890-C883-4FE0-A5FB-EA173CD06F7B
DOC-specs Specification 16FF1E84-24FD-448C-ACE9-B7D22DFD4D0B
DOC-spreadsheet Spreadsheet A7B59C13-85BF-4E91-A55C-1817C7574E24
DOC-standardTech Technical standard F8DACD9A-5360-40CE-816A-B90B34FEB2A3
DOC-webpg Web page 0EC05123-4DAF-4D5D-877F-B1A20BAAB938

Total Number of Topics in the Group:12


NULO NameFull NameGUID
DSTR Data Structure A559CAB4-F677-4281-A613-6B684DDD1442
DSTR-abs Abstract Data Structure 793CE2B2-B6BB-4D97-A173-79AAA9886B42
DSTR-array Array (data structrure) F5097834-BBAB-4D79-8051-783EBF656D18
DSTR-arrayD Dynamic Array (data structure) 81B8FCA7-5570-4782-9642-BA2F12A404E1
DSTR-class Class Data Type 544A0965-D0C0-4672-B8B5-513D9F991FD5
DSTR-col Collection (data structure) 1B8A78A1-C59D-4F22-840C-12F6EE1BFAED
DSTR-cont Container (data structure) 70FB49DE-2B80-4327-AE50-7536F34BBEE2
DSTR-dict Dictionary (data structure) 082124B4-122E-4860-802B-9280AF284802
DSTR-graph Graph (data structure) 6F5E1B37-8E13-4227-8DB0-B520206ED33E
DSTR-hash Hash table (data structure) C8211A33-61D4-4DB4-B887-EA870827D59D
DSTR-list List (data structure) AF2371AE-1937-454E-81FD-42AE50258F21
DSTR-lnk Linked Data Structure 488BF836-9A35-41F7-AEE6-373DD77C994D
DSTR-lnkList Linked List (data structure) D0A193B4-ED71-484B-9DE7-69F961C3578F
DSTR-obj Object (data structure) 2C9E18F3-7AB2-49B9-9C74-509DEA423B93
DSTR-pod Plain old data structure C577F2EC-9B51-4D3B-BA1D-81F0E120BAFA
DSTR-queue Queue (data structure) E8E71E15-661C-4076-82A6-84329485A4D1
DSTR-record Record (data structure) 5D1A0F3C-F9B1-43D8-8C0E-D5BBD76F0E3F
DSTR-set Set (abstract data structure) AF10E4C1-A68E-4817-A53E-1C414ACE795D
DSTR-setM Multiset (data structure) 034C2F89-0F11-4290-AF5E-3C1A1B2293F6
DSTR-stack Stack (data structure) 2BB2A26D-9564-4A72-AA02-EC4F8D3EF104
DSTR-stream Data stream (data structure) 390BB7D6-6AD6-4613-8DE7-869E56DF4757
DSTR-table Table (data structure) 81B086DB-3B4C-4770-8B7F-5CE180BAFC9F
DSTR-tree Tree (data structure) 12A17DA3-6DA8-460C-9514-F9F0457047CF
DSTR-treeB BTree (data structure) 2DED9D4F-5C48-4E94-9D35-A2522F5F37DF
DSTR-var Variable (computer science) 80387589-C01D-494E-A287-DC7391DD99F3

Total Number of Topics in the Group:25


NULO NameFull NameGUID
DTYPE Data Type 79452990-7105-465C-82FD-1274B91BD09D
DTYPE-bin Binary Object B9C282DD-A3A4-4842-857D-571BAE95E4F3
DTYPE-bool Boolean Data Type 08E86715-F19D-4A39-995F-D1E6E24AD627
DTYPE-date Date Data Type D504143B-5C83-476E-AB52-34C5C507989F
DTYPE-enum Enumerated Data Type CA546D61-7A47-456A-8989-A982CD439034
DTYPE-int Integer Data Type 444821B1-23DD-4E33-8D21-47D1C95E2EDF
DTYPE-intpos Positive Integer Data Type 9078124D-0C70-4515-8BED-15911573A7F6
DTYPE-ptr Pointer Data Type F4FF7A8C-6B09-4CB7-8567-0E8D60E03CCE
DTYPE-real Real Number Data Type 249D3E09-88BD-40C4-B4CC-045BCD6A25D4
DTYPE-str String Data Type E14E1C22-7965-46E9-9F7F-0D2840B783C2
DTYPE-time Time Data Type F6A4A047-F6DD-4A85-B407-66BE4AE9CB12
DTYPE-timeDate Date-Time Data Type 30D07384-5A03-4A14-A7E2-B40B37E205DE

Total Number of Topics in the Group:12


NULO NameFull NameGUID
ENC Content Format 3DB1A6C4-7DFE-495F-99AA-E481DFDE5C1F
ENC-bin Binary File EA7B6E51-3E28-4241-80A0-0D0A582F5651
ENC-docx Microsoft Word Document 25BAC7EA-1D3F-449F-B563-0C6CA4044416
ENC-exe Executable file 25D20A98-B320-4C7E-ADB9-67B7CA28B8F9
ENC-file Computer File 6F9A7E2D-4ABC-47EE-AB47-B87940B10524
ENC-folder Folder (computing) D4D0285A-EB60-4C6E-AD74-2750D0D48AC1
ENC-html HTML File 12477A92-E253-4AA0-A1C4-3A4DBA994729
ENC-json JavaScript Object Notation C106A175-4EB5-42AD-BA56-4FA71A459399
ENC-pdf Adobe Acrobat Document 51FDFF77-62EA-44AC-B0D6-7747A738D5A4
ENC-pptx Microsoft Power Point Document 43C993DB-EE65-450F-9ED6-494C311FCF04
ENC-rtf Rich Text Format DataType A2C29832-AEBC-4B2D-ABFE-E9DF132E9593
ENC-snd Audio Recording 9FB5E6BF-A4BD-4783-B27B-14233DA34B66
ENC-txt Text File 6CE26A93-AC6B-43F7-9ED9-CEBB91D864EF
ENC-txtplain Plain text file 4C673DE6-90C5-44DF-9412-5AC7CCFE4122
ENC-xlsx Microsoft Excel Document 35D39869-F462-4947-AC6D-E2DA783AAA0F
ENC-xml Extensible Markup Language 176FE5A8-C1DF-4D6E-8619-06D3287C05E8

Total Number of Topics in the Group:16


NULO NameFull NameGUID
EVENT Event 8BB3AEC4-3AAD-4654-9368-A25C81B6CA75
EVENT-act Action 350539D0-42DA-45A1-AF63-2D1FB4A1968B
EVENT-actPurp Purposeful Action B5EDD1D8-1C23-448D-925C-A0CF35A08B08
EVENT-mental Mental Event 67B2DE80-FCAC-4CEC-A6CC-2D75DB8C784E
EVENT-move Movement Event CAC9FAA2-877F-42F7-B8A1-0FDD010AC698
EVENT-phys Physical Event 6B15D5DB-A3AB-4DA1-8C29-DDC8A183F62E
EVENT-proc Process (science) 466870BD-FE5E-4EA8-9835-985EBB2B2D6C
EVENT-prog Event (computer programming) 6E6DCB82-79CD-40E9-AF0B-3189DA603E98
EVENT-sensor Sensory Event 368832BA-1D7E-4F9D-86F1-BD64794839E9
EVENT-sop Standard Operating Procedure A148C835-DB4D-4F21-A8A5-33B82BCF0BF6

Total Number of Topics in the Group:10


NULO NameFull NameGUID
GRAPH Graphics EFFED3BB-4A2B-4488-BBFD-3D42DE59F9B1
GRAPH-chart Chart 6C7EC80F-A177-44AC-995B-B781988A6BDE
GRAPH-diag Diagram D0B5ADE5-BBF9-4392-ABFE-EB7AE9B03B5D
GRAPH-diagEng Engineering Drawing A10C1597-460D-4B4B-A204-5469A2759D74
GRAPH-map Map 7641B37D-4123-42D8-9637-58C655D60994
GRAPH-plot Plot (graphics) 754FA2F8-7522-48F7-84C2-84272AE87AD4

Total Number of Topics in the Group:6


NULO NameFull NameGUID
H5W Five Ws and one H 1C4BE340-59F3-415A-ABB3-B73ED5CA2F85
H5W-how How (manner) 9BF351D7-605E-4AC9-938C-81396B8A2807
H5W-what What (impersonal) EA80AFCF-1065-47A4-BB12-D84161858631
H5W-when When (time) 569D0398-6D24-41F6-B5D0-246ACEB38B3A
H5W-where Where (location) AA0F79F1-706B-43B1-BE78-75CAA2262237
H5W-who Who (personal) C2B942AA-6A2D-4E38-95ED-E9AB07510F32
H5W-why Why (reason) 4199161C-0576-4DD4-90CD-7E71354A9D8F

Total Number of Topics in the Group:7


NULO NameFull NameGUID
HOST Internet hosting service 3C26CCA6-4C5E-4BE1-AA38-4653A8E97382
HOST-blog Blog 635AD55E-5CA9-4B2D-ADAA-D39F567A3345
HOST-forum Internet forum 7FEA3BB9-1010-4CBF-9803-D61224D81281
HOST-portal Web portal B2C6BFAB-DA83-4532-9A0B-55B41AD4C465
HOST-service Application service provider 41BCF6E4-5D0D-46EA-9400-DCEAADA53B32
HOST-shareApps Shareware - Freeware FB2C10C2-F660-4271-A91B-0F20D5974BBB
HOST-shareCode Source code repository 6BD7AF6A-AA37-42F6-BF24-160AC3D3E38B
HOST-shareFile File sharing 20F5DE10-A60C-4FD3-AB12-3D9EABF4BA2D
HOST-shareImage Image sharing D6F71E19-34E8-47FF-AF9C-74F31B79F646
HOST-shareMusic Online music service E1A6BE49-C683-483D-AC8A-883437A2EEC4
HOST-shareVideo Video sharing AD2FEF3B-EAB8-4521-A75C-5DDF08B16EBB
HOST-siteWeb Web Site FC7F6C46-3F81-4A3E-AE1A-A995F7FFECE7
HOST-siteWWW World Wide Web Site 7DEBACE8-7B8D-4B2F-8F76-CA09D9098AC5
HOST-social Social network B1E59B7D-2515-4FD3-823D-16B3F449C041
HOST-wiki Wiki B98E2000-8FCE-40DA-A14F-998619DCDC3A

Total Number of Topics in the Group:15


NULO NameFull NameGUID
IBO Information Bearing Object 070DB8CC-35EF-4CC9-88E4-806DB92DCC1D
IBO-currency Currency BB11D666-5DDF-45F9-B7E4-A22656A67AFC
IBO-diskBD Blu-ray Disc 26F3DFBE-656E-4C47-B496-3B7B948604A8
IBO-diskCD Compact Disk ECCFF21C-4C49-4E0B-9635-B5EB52ADC2E9
IBO-diskDVD DVD 64D803D9-A9AF-4B4C-9C38-281FA1E9E28D
IBO-diskFloppy Floppy disk E495178B-D45D-481F-B9F4-EF691A22E436
IBO-diskHDD Hard disk B621191D-4D6B-45F0-AE3F-66EB66DDCB09
IBO-diskOD Optical Disk 643BB2D0-6244-47B6-9D66-CD13C3A00E9F
IBO-diskPhono Phonograph record 78E74304-4C1C-4728-8B82-C541321CBBA4
IBO-engraving Engraving 4382244E-F30C-4454-A632-671E0D04CF15
IBO-FileFolder File-Folder of papers 6AE69797-1A44-43A1-A3D4-FC32A98827B2
IBO-film Photographic film 6AA44701-3DE3-44FD-8815-A7F660879BAA
IBO-flag Flag A68FF391-2957-43A5-94B1-D98AE5411595
IBO-hardcopy Hardcopy 2748D4AD-48EF-47C3-A25C-14D5DF9CCE9C
IBO-mediumData Machine readable medium BC944E3D-B4C0-470D-9610-0AB10E19998C
IBO-mediumHum Human accessible information bearing objects 113334B2-39F8-4CCC-91DB-FFC4409FA13A
IBO-mediumRec Information Storage Media 80FFBEB4-4260-4B29-831F-C8FDA59FF694
IBO-mem Computer memory A41F99A8-647E-4E03-99F0-30ED0A707081
IBO-memCache CPU cache 4FA89AD4-372E-4B3F-8AD0-0E6C3EBA73F4
IBO-memFlash Flash memory F2D7A224-28C4-4A98-BD4D-A42055AF5049
IBO-memRAM Random access memory (RAM) BE30F698-C81A-4853-A146-E6A90986E770
IBO-memROM Read-only memory (ROM) 9E91707D-B333-4053-8CC5-3772520A9F6B
IBO-paper Paper 39D4DB1E-78CD-49D5-A07A-CD80293CB6AD
IBO-photocopy Photocopy CD86C7C3-78A8-4261-8E7D-6BD3F587F834
IBO-tapeDAT Digital Audio Tape (DAT) F80C37F2-C222-4060-A674-1704FBAA0B1E
IBO-tapeMagnetic Magnetic tape AF29111E-9128-4D57-BE56-50A28417E4C3

Total Number of Topics in the Group:26


NULO NameFull NameGUID
ID Identifier 9A52B600-310E-4A12-88A6-74B408DABF5C
ID-BCN Bank Card Number 2AA5CA5C-5BB8-4765-905B-08FB020412C0
ID-dbkey Database key 9E91CCD4-8549-41B9-80D1-810B6F2FB487
ID-DLN Driver's license number 3D49703E-65B2-4468-8D6B-D1043B21A975
ID-geocode Geocode 8AF02C56-A8F1-4F4F-ACAC-AC1911CD6A70
ID-GUID Globally unique identifier 56008DD0-EAF4-448C-B8FB-F0C4FBD6E373
ID-ISBN International Standard Book Number 16C1A028-C059-431A-8F1F-5D465EADC3A3
ID-ISSN International Standard Serial Number F2A6644C-5435-4963-B6D5-7BB205A1DD60
ID-MAC Media Access Control address (MAC) 30837373-2243-45DD-92D8-94BD64D86C97
ID-patient Patient ID A13EAD77-9E1D-4356-ABFA-87F28F840816
ID-PIN Passport identification number 7929B216-615D-472B-95BD-729A71312978
ID-SN Serial number CF87D9F1-C263-4B50-94AC-5762438FC81E
ID-SSN Social Security Number 3FFA6AC2-45E8-4911-B47A-258FF540CE0B
ID-UID Unique ID 8AF0E8AD-E7ED-4365-8CA8-450F3745D148
ID-URI Uniform Resource Identifier 9E1386BB-5BE1-48B8-839B-BB1660566A73
ID-URN Uniform Resource Name 52037DF0-B204-4986-8DE2-EA6D25597890

Total Number of Topics in the Group:16


NULO NameFull NameGUID
IND Individual B7C0F45F-5DF2-418E-8B79-21B27151190B
IND-athanh Athanassios I. Hatzis 4F944DC1-A812-436E-AF45-26FB4D5F4AE7

Total Number of Topics in the Group:2


NULO NameFull NameGUID
INF Information 5FD77C97-6E80-4D2F-AFF2-AB67C27B16F8
INF-abs Abstract Information Structure 96D948A0-8030-4FC2-9293-9357397F7DC2
INF-absVisual Abstract Visual Structure F0571CE2-52DC-488F-9C47-CA1E5CB5D03C
INF-content Information Content 4079370A-E816-4314-9427-BA233EBBA3FA
INF-context Verbal context 314C3AE4-EADF-4E5D-9B01-1F6CDA31B9CF
INF-form Information (to give form) D55B5067-3CD6-44C4-894D-F5EF123148F5
INF-media Media 1644AF00-24D9-4B1B-822A-5486E6B7D825
INF-metadata Metadata 39AB749E-FE71-4A3E-A5FD-1529D7F4930F
INF-store Information Store 68D0344E-615C-443D-B01E-1C7AB0D2859A

Total Number of Topics in the Group:9


NULO NameFull NameGUID
LANG Language DE6AE133-8176-43DF-8A87-EB1B2D004BEB
LANG-en English Language B82FA51C-9BD3-4BF0-93DE-6B4CD568948B
LANG-formal Formal language 221E6021-2493-4CA3-80C6-F6F58575FA54
LANG-gr Modern Greek Language 363DE77C-3F1C-484B-ACF8-2B89BA969894
LANG-human Human language 275DC4C8-DA1B-4330-AF5E-BCC20EB24351
LANG-natural Natural Language 7AFA543A-E128-41F2-86A3-4DE3C1696645

Total Number of Topics in the Group:6


NULO NameFull NameGUID
LING Linguistic Structure 73BBF09A-7D84-4B24-81E8-A089873A5060
LING-phrase Phrase 16489B7F-67C2-4C63-B705-D174AEEB9861
LING-sentence Sentence C4663DF1-39C1-4A20-B345-379D5C5FEBC3
LING-word Word 08E4CF19-4A13-480F-A7A0-1CC11F9026AB

Total Number of Topics in the Group:4


NULO NameFull NameGUID
MADM Administrative Metadata AE6F7169-F084-4EB0-9395-6A846849055F
MADM-accN Number of times content accessed and retrieved DA9DA54C-73FD-4E92-B152-26EE9B3E98FF
MADM-accTime Time Resource Accessed 5E99DEB2-6591-405C-8F1E-230C308EDA68
MADM-anno Annotation Action By Agent 55E61FB9-EE07-4324-99A2-93000E852D1F
MADM-avail Make Available Action By Agent F6645803-C8DB-45C8-B780-6296283FB0E8
MADM-availTime Time Resource has Become Avalaible A0530B5A-47EC-4B0E-9CC2-00B067A1A6DE
MADM-contr Contribute Action By Agent 94DAA5A3-E8ED-4387-A283-5512A691ED8F
MADM-cre Create Action By Agent 1C4FFDCA-8461-41D3-970C-017A650C2C0D
MADM-creTime Time Resource Created DDC6EC02-60C8-4D05-876E-1FF477700269
MADM-del Delete Action By Agent 64BFE8B2-93E4-4BE4-9664-0CA633D41FE6
MADM-modTime Time Resource Modified B80B9D74-8B0B-498A-9917-99EC0D564006
MADM-perm Permissions Changed Action By Agent 775B237E-EB83-4276-8D13-324F868ECF90
MADM-permTime Time Resource Permissions Changed 8DBDD34E-05B2-4F47-851E-EB99B1CCC87F
MADM-retr Retrieval Action By Agent 11F1EAF3-44E9-4383-8A93-FC186F4F663D
MADM-rights Access Control DDD7A71F-1721-4BC9-8C1F-2BD38B248889
MADM-upd Update Action By Agent E3B06E18-2AD6-4C7C-957E-621ADE0ABF0D

Total Number of Topics in the Group:16


NULO NameFull NameGUID
MDES Descriptive metadata EF21F3E7-1341-4055-985B-389B3152B6B1
MDES-abs Abstract (summary) 5E106FB0-E934-4E3A-96A2-B1C3F7695CCE
MDES-annotation Annotation 2A89E4AB-2551-4B64-AC3E-0EB1C9580241
MDES-cite Citation CDFE831E-E2E3-4491-9739-6B2065BE6ED9
MDES-com Comment 720C424D-DD47-44BD-9157-92F2EB0F8C52
MDES-copyright Copyright BC3E106E-2B50-4118-A729-646B86BEBDAE
MDES-def Definite Description E4A8BEEC-36FB-47C6-AA00-A14D433254EC
MDES-descr Description 7BEFF0D2-E855-47D5-AF44-AC87CF237426
MDES-eg Example E48AEAC6-13BD-48E6-B6DB-0DDAB94CAA70
MDES-etym Etymology A8FDF596-C47D-4366-8968-081DC340CE19
MDES-license Software License D6E83928-9C12-432E-87BE-2171D91B0A1E
MDES-note Note 165C36E7-D683-4331-A6D3-FE5E3A5EFF33
MDES-quote Quotation A4165BD4-5356-4E6F-8B80-200FE2994DEF
MDES-recom Recommendation CE3D7FA0-A830-4CBB-8C4D-624704CD79C2
MDES-title Title Of Work 0E69E6AF-C24B-4A63-97B3-065449E5F8FF
MDES-ver Version 31578BD0-0D94-478B-8D84-97B65C681E02

Total Number of Topics in the Group:16


NULO NameFull NameGUID
MSTR Structural Metadata 572E425A-2974-4DD8-A380-22D643F6DC4A
MSTR-bodyDoc Document Body 764679CF-4B19-4DB5-AC9C-AB4A1EF4DE97
MSTR-chapter Chapter (books) 04478F18-9B6D-4591-ACF6-597263CF27AD
MSTR-footer Page Footer 9AF3983F-8E6E-4FE7-AB11-7CEE59493D51
MSTR-header Page Header 3C23320E-9289-483C-B89E-A77A98294EFC
MSTR-heading Heading 8F01B9A4-5C59-44C7-837D-351E124DC8FC
MSTR-line Line A414AE52-837F-4070-B6B6-5A1E01C5E281
MSTR-paragraph Paragraph A5A7EEFB-9976-4573-BA27-B5E56A8B2EF5
MSTR-pg Page D194B408-E48B-4B60-A59B-D918FD9689E2
MSTR-section Document section 6DA08052-827B-42C1-ABB9-368FCC32D41A
MSTR-webpgContact Contact web page E06ED3EC-18DD-4BB6-85A5-5F45D9B7A411
MSTR-webpgHome Home web page 6CC204B2-9397-4992-AFED-39A276BA37BD
MSTR-webpgPerson Personal home web page 0E3D2E12-ED69-4A9B-8283-4FDAB06A1C46

Total Number of Topics in the Group:13


NULO NameFull NameGUID
NAM Proper Name String A3D7C7D4-6D54-4685-9B6F-467AE40A02C9
NAM-abbr Abbreviation 1C829008-DC4E-4062-8B49-443F0283418C
NAM-alt Topic Map - Variant Name 51C262C4-451D-4AD3-80F7-EA1517DC7D71
NAM-brand Brand 09F60DF0-760D-454B-998C-1F328A0A1262
NAM-first Human Given Name String EBE00E61-D845-4A79-9C3E-44057C8E4B48
NAM-full Full Name A0700009-2A7F-4FE2-A31F-9478F0495112
NAM-last Human Family Name String 25C7B86C-0684-47DE-8DA6-2358D2CFC2F6
NAM-lexical Lexical word F33C58EC-9D09-4B22-9056-B5D0D728120E
NAM-person Human Name String 708A59B2-4230-495E-AFBC-7F40CE139843
NAM-prefer Topic Map - Base name 93B50143-8A4C-4B75-82E6-E765A53AB14A
NAM-prefix Prefix BDF2F252-E79B-4529-9756-FB6225B7E254

Total Number of Topics in the Group:11


NULO NameFull NameGUID
NDX Subject Indexing 8457BBA9-4E1D-4F96-9FF0-6C01C081997F
NDX-about Is About (subject indexing) D730BDC5-FC95-4BC7-933C-664952869B28
NDX-also See Also (subject indexing) 8306AFE8-D54E-462B-B1AC-83BBD419CEFD
NDX-area Thematic Area (subject indexing) B1FB78EC-6B96-4CE1-9381-2934C42178A7
NDX-domain Knowledge Domain (subject indexing) CCF92FA9-9817-46F1-9720-0051B9B826EF
NDX-field Field of (subject indexing) F011D074-1812-4B3D-B49E-7985E6FD1FA9
NDX-id Is Defined By (subject indexing) 0151456C-D57F-45BF-931E-524E70D405D9
NDX-link Refers To (subject indexing) 4EC14254-919A-4280-AE48-8069D1B5B012
NDX-subject Subject of (subject indexing) EFFBDE0F-9B74-4373-A5D2-C1814EBBFD9D
NDX-topic Topic Of(subject indexing) 83A82982-998D-4A10-90ED-EBCD2DF9B471

Total Number of Topics in the Group:10


NULO NameFull NameGUID
NOT Notation 7AE47661-56C5-42FC-AC32-328161EEB929
NOT-chemical Chemical formula 68A12A3A-C887-4C1B-9B30-71FA977238F1
NOT-music Music notation 88F6843D-78CF-43C6-B274-DDFC1F8B56CE
NOT-musicByz Byzantine Music Notation 56A31568-54AD-4883-BC36-140D43810810
NOT-musicWest Western musical notation 101B22BB-549C-4ECA-BBA1-067BFF7383EF

Total Number of Topics in the Group:5


NULO NameFull NameGUID
PAT Pattern 27888CFE-5D87-4360-86EB-39CA81489F9A
PAT-design Design Patterns 4A22CE27-FFD5-4B97-AFAC-4951A8058BA4
PAT-soft Software Design Pattern 58D1E135-9239-44D6-882E-5C97450B552D
PAT-visual Visual Pattern 3F52F157-3CA7-4275-BC15-9637900DC3D1

Total Number of Topics in the Group:4


NULO NameFull NameGUID
PROG Programming coding 7D2D6271-5DF1-4970-9987-47C959A9358C
PROG-code Computer Source Code FB7C7ACE-EF14-44B6-B17B-6259E9DE8D35
PROG-cpp C++ Programming Language 54F444E9-92E0-46D1-8038-929965EE8DE8
PROG-DP Declarative programming 981A8342-8145-4621-9FDB-F3B5818EA383
PROG-HTML Hypertext Markup Language 6CBAF62F-E43B-480B-B389-07B4B3267BD3
PROG-java Java Programming Language 8170E970-9B1E-4B2A-892E-A2D6CD69E127
PROG-OOP Object oriented programming 8A654339-7FC1-4484-A22D-A5619A11402C
PROG-PP Procedural programming 8A8F36EE-CCFB-4030-98F3-AAFA205EF3D8
PROG-prolog Prolog programming language 34943D09-95CA-4263-88FA-5238D693B008
PROG-UML Unified Modelling Language 7BB8D31B-3736-4438-A908-32F662A8BC4C

Total Number of Topics in the Group:10


NULO NameFull NameGUID
PUB Published Material B63ECE75-BE58-43CC-8FD1-957ECF2D0FE8
PUB-article Article (publishing) A57846C8-756F-4157-A09E-C3C3B8ED82B2
PUB-articleBlog Blog Article B134B702-E643-4083-AA08-5E664C4D2957
PUB-articleEncy Encyclopedia Article 77C55CED-A620-4E74-8FE4-BE804AC17F59
PUB-articleMark Marketing Article 3ECA48FF-9FC3-44F7-B5BB-A91EE8FCE960
PUB-articleNews News Article 6B4A8B23-0E25-49FB-9444-C04FC672AA43
PUB-articleScho Scholarly Article F40BC76B-2FF3-462B-AA14-CC3C37C1EDA1
PUB-book Book 04C03B98-B177-4A96-8057-CC3454F2DF27
PUB-diary Diary 2D3CD728-9D66-4C7E-8163-200EB2697F3F
PUB-issue Issue (publishing) F8BA9DFC-13D5-4F05-A1F1-DA8F7619DAE0
PUB-journal Academic journal 6AC8B1C7-EA7F-44E9-BA97-4EF5B76C2BA6
PUB-magazine Magazine 33726BC9-795F-4BE7-A490-F5D6C36EFF68
PUB-message Posted message 3DD61BA9-3273-40C6-BB02-1344513A470A
PUB-newsLetter Newsletter CF140B0D-F650-4790-9F07-890EE58DC781
PUB-newsPaper Newspaper EBEDCE41-A0E4-4584-9CF3-D4025D09287D
PUB-paperTech Technical Paper 76A20271-E808-4854-BC6E-952F360CBD6C
PUB-series Series (publishing) 977E0ACD-BC33-431F-9361-8F232C0E3573

Total Number of Topics in the Group:17


NULO NameFull NameGUID
REF Reference Work 443DEA28-2855-4A2B-A945-7D8518F04308
REF-FOAF FOAF Vocabulary Specification 474376A4-938C-4980-AD49-C14B30416A38
REF-IRW Identity of Resources on the Web 112447AC-58BA-495B-9FBF-31ECFB986A0D
REF-NIE NEPOMUK Information Element Ontology 2AD85740-4CB9-4F4F-B654-0E6514152FB7
REF-NULON Neurorganon Upper Level Ontology (NULO) E79DB872-3932-4FD4-95BA-97D4A55155EB
REF-RDFS RDF Schema CFB58199-C3A0-43D6-952A-F51D8A324F73
REF-SIOC SIOC - Core Ontology Specification AF621DB0-FB2D-49FD-B887-C1FAFDDE7B40
REF-SKOS SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System Namespace DD711F40-BFAB-4618-B6E9-7BBB077A110B
REF-TMLG Topic Maps Lab - Glossary 59021F47-F809-47EB-8AB0-286666230823
REF-UMBEL UMBEL, Vocabulary and Reference Concept Ontology 00CB5770-4AC8-4836-9AE1-6FEF39593B3A
REF-WIKI Wikipedia, the free multilingual Internet encyclopedia 3DA2A684-3204-4461-B418-6605A9F1205F

Total Number of Topics in the Group:11


NULO NameFull NameGUID
REL Relation 9BE27F6C-A1FC-4DFC-8AF5-7AD2CBF3BF09
REL-pred Predicate 100C6A8F-9AD5-4F98-A3FE-C05474E18986
REL-type Relation Type EE94288E-A89D-41EC-8145-731A64145BFD
REL-typePred Predicate Type E9EEF4E7-66CF-414B-8C74-B8BC06F517B0

Total Number of Topics in the Group:4


NULO NameFull NameGUID
SENSE Sense 57DF5537-1500-4285-9C6B-DDDEC12DB32B
SENSE-hearing Hearing 1E8E8B8C-0EDC-4040-9941-1B52BCB77B62
SENSE-smell Smell 481996DD-6E2B-4FC3-AB6C-27140702874F
SENSE-somatic Somatosensory F04D2F63-486C-44DD-836D-953895FD9D47
SENSE-taste Taste 5771F30F-0B87-453C-8B70-B25EAE0B9834
SENSE-visual Visual perception 661E30F1-25B2-4496-AEBA-2CBD3C7B042E

Total Number of Topics in the Group:6


NULO NameFull NameGUID
SPACE Space C35E886A-B987-4CB6-8139-5A2C060939A4
SPACE-borough Borough F3A19EBA-44BF-4400-BF83-D484FA7CEE2B
SPACE-city City 756F16D2-C89A-4C53-8C4C-52C61033FFF6
SPACE-country Country CED66F0A-44CD-491C-BE19-BE594FAC71FE
SPACE-county County DDAEAEE1-D888-46AB-A936-08D651886C9F
SPACE-place Place 3D1683D5-9AF0-45B5-B0BF-5C80A6AADE9A
SPACE-placeGeog Geographical Place 38892E84-E2EC-4A56-879A-98DC27B3AC09
SPACE-placePop Populated Place 72C964D8-B809-4F0D-90C8-46ABC6EB47CC
SPACE-province Province ECAC660F-CC6E-4CB6-8C1C-30D612EE92E5
SPACE-region Geographical Region 3E46B15B-540F-4F24-A926-B0854724A07A
SPACE-state State (geopolitical) 38859CE4-3545-4B13-ABE6-45CE3A9750A9

Total Number of Topics in the Group:11


NULO NameFull NameGUID
SSL Style sheet language 50B8305E-797B-411C-8FB3-2CCB24E58D91
SSL-align Typographic Alignment 4BEE84D3-7300-484A-9273-A2518F964FCA
SSL-bold Bold Type 514DED04-A5F0-4A56-94EA-F56EEE2C8EFC
SSL-emphasis Emphasized text 5028DBAF-7225-456C-A2A2-F8242ECC9B77
SSL-font Font 7D925399-3FB0-48A9-9D36-BE38DC573B1A
SSL-italic Italic Type D221B948-2AB9-464B-8395-E2B4AD56F79E
SSL-just Justification 8FCE59D8-D5DC-4AD3-8954-F477224AEE3F
SSL-subsup Subscript and superscript 350A7D52-7513-47B0-AA1C-E5059AFFC138

Total Number of Topics in the Group:8


NULO NameFull NameGUID
STATE State (system) 5F1FB4BA-E5D2-47FB-9207-0417051C6DCD
STATE-chem Chemical State E9E482E1-E759-4E66-B568-3841EBFD8E28
STATE-intr Intrinsic State of Change 42F7A4BA-5969-4DD6-A931-1424068A7F97
STATE-med Medical State 321D2623-0BA3-4CBB-850D-54D26721B6BB
STATE-prog State (computer science) 94B5C27D-DA19-4438-A2FC-D6CD504435ED

Total Number of Topics in the Group:5


NULO NameFull NameGUID
SYS System C16D62D4-9C66-4663-ACC9-EFDFA15CDE16
SYS-audio Audio System 58714478-C19E-4284-9296-AEEA33E256F3
SYS-bio Biological System 2237454A-49E0-47C5-A44A-E51E4412D583
SYS-comp Computer System E94A1CA8-C5BF-4D22-B968-8BB1D2A2E3C3
SYS-compNet Computer Network 9294D9FB-70D7-4C5A-AA80-DE2F84A93F66
SYS-file File System 9B3E3CDD-09C5-4190-B95A-19FD604C2144
SYS-input Input 921B52EA-BA00-4DB4-9419-17CF636CE1A2
SYS-model System Model 7A613C6F-9F18-4127-A203-BC25F19F3CE5
SYS-output Output 56E763D1-1A7B-4972-9878-CF6DEF24D293
SYS-theory Systems Theory 836AE2FF-1979-4011-B234-DD43A349987B
SYS-www World Wide Web System B9C0D037-8C75-44B4-B751-64A6B234C65B

Total Number of Topics in the Group:11


NULO NameFull NameGUID
TEL Telephone number 2739BED6-490D-49E5-948A-8240A9C5590F
TEL-codeArea Telephone area code 0FBB7870-ABAC-478B-BCE4-CDBF3C16165B
TEL-codeCountry Telephone country code B396501B-631F-4FF2-A8DC-5040496A12B5

Total Number of Topics in the Group:3


NULO NameFull NameGUID
TIME Time B33D1BEE-5B7F-48E1-8137-2350091FFCEA
TIME-future Future 30350782-4785-4366-AE77-47ED10050B95
TIME-past Past 958D09FA-671B-4D78-85F5-F1DD5933C3A1
TIME-present Present EDBE1050-247E-4892-B66E-66D031D0C26C

Total Number of Topics in the Group:4


NULO NameFull NameGUID
TMAP Topic Map 873E1E38-C12D-4ECE-8F7E-A5E38E4B3B3F
TMAP-ASSOC Topic Map - Association B5CEF03B-4134-4196-831F-F62D3CFF32F0
TMAP-BIR Topic Map - Binary Information Resource 6C0E5BB2-4D9B-42A8-B983-2F6CE9EA1265
TMAP-CONS Topic Map - Construct 5F80396F-4C4E-427C-9A0E-F0E327FB20D6
TMAP-DM Topic Map - Data Model 4FA90362-7602-40F3-A009-F00D3F82B45D
TMAP-IR Topic Map - Information Reference (Topic) F790F8F0-DA8D-4DA9-9B85-DEF575813FF3
TMAP-ITEM Topic Map - Information Item AF2C0146-F257-440D-B801-A16279A20E71
TMAP-LOC Topic Map - Locator B4ECC1C6-94AB-43D2-8693-419FE1303214
TMAP-MERGE Topic Map - Merging B959EDBA-0722-4D09-BC09-018559B44D7A
TMAP-PROP Topic Map - Occurrence 06BF349E-EC53-4A88-B010-6C6C752E9A3C
TMAP-ROLE Topic Map - Association Role 56FDE106-5BCD-4244-B0C2-D38E9444E1F5
TMAP-SCOPE Topic Map - Scope 6622B086-23B8-4725-B745-93713AF12B89
TMAP-SID Topic Map - Subject Identifier 0CFB31D0-33F3-45AB-8DB2-970A962AAA68
TMAP-SLOC Topic Map - Subject Locator 820E880B-8E85-4B42-883D-5E875EADCA70
TMAP-SUBJECT Topic Map - Subject 0E153242-E5FC-4AE8-A0D5-7036C942635A
TMAP-TIR Topic Map - Term Information Resource 7973CE46-8900-4D39-A337-3DEDE2D542DF

Total Number of Topics in the Group:16


NULO NameFull NameGUID
TNG Thing F0DE4E1B-C5C4-413F-8E96-B72D1B886DEB
TNG-abs Abstract Thing 8EF6380D-8965-47F2-9FDB-886BEB66A8C3
TNG-alive Biological Living Object B2C989AD-DAA9-47A9-AD6E-9FF6482DD665
TNG-aliveNon Inanimate Object DC03ABA3-5B7D-45ED-A16C-4581162BC174
TNG-ex Something Existing 4E356482-43F4-487B-AACB-09B5C8007CF9
TNG-nat Natural Thing 169525C5-0729-4D4F-AD49-229A275EE32A
TNG-natMM Man-Made Thing 4306BA8E-861E-4587-8D1A-3C4FD3635BAF
TNG-natNon Non-Natural Thing 4DF58A97-5E9F-4AC8-87C3-83BCF53D8492
TNG-obj Tangible Thing D15286F1-81C0-4617-8870-9068F2A4969C
TNG-objNon Intangible Thing 95E8980B-61CF-483A-B14F-FC3B81CCA801
TNG-spatNon Aspatial Thing AD190E61-A88A-4256-B2A2-91C0A0A74FF3
TNG-temp Temporal Thing 54352E8A-B774-4039-BB3D-35655BD7983B
TNG-tempNon Atemporal Thing 755B8CDC-BD21-47F8-8E2D-A028ECD458D2
TNG-typeNat Naturalness Type 72733DFA-EF20-4DC7-8F63-5CC4783D5719

Total Number of Topics in the Group:14


NULO NameFull NameGUID
TRANS Transmission Protocol 1E6E14EC-FEFC-4295-9F0E-C06B918CD3E1
TRANS-file File Protocol BA379AA3-300B-48D2-B641-0E10A1BB294F
TRANS-ftp File Transfer Protocol C0D87F7B-F46B-4FC8-8FBD-3CA237658807
TRANS-http Hypertext Transfer Protocol 2667C6FE-B68F-4B79-972E-714209CCA8C3
TRANS-smtp SimpleMail Transfer Protocol 331AEDF0-1E9E-4818-9899-803C0E6209EB
TRANS-soap Simple Object Access Protocol 5D8C3810-47C9-4ECF-9980-C9CEA72E3E01

Total Number of Topics in the Group:6


NULO NameFull NameGUID
VAL Expression-Value (computer science) 31634E7E-91A9-47DB-A3BA-FE6A18F50C7B
VAL-interval Tuple of intervals E848E895-185D-4703-8703-F1DF1725B484
VAL-intervalNum Numeric interval 9E03121A-E2CC-4190-BCFD-C2A87431D5F5
VAL-intervalScalar Scalar interval E6CD4FE2-580E-444D-ABCF-231C2D4B5F80
VAL-null Is Null 94948B3C-1CAD-43ED-9F84-3850980E01FE
VAL-num Number 76AC235D-5E6F-46D0-9800-6335B39479E6
VAL-qnt Quantity FFDEA191-071D-4D64-89A8-9DE106D4B11E
VAL-tuple Tuple 8D340A9F-43B2-4B0B-AB2E-0797AC653EA0
VAL-unit Unit Of Measure 3A49F31F-F921-4335-84CE-9FE3EBC4798F
VAL-vec Vector interval E05E685E-AB3D-43E7-B5CC-81C751B8A791

Total Number of Topics in the Group:10


NULO NameFull NameGUID
WRK Work (human labor) CDBA856B-D529-47D1-BB41-2B819516CFE7
WRK-cw Conceptual Work D8CEBFCB-742B-4D7D-BED3-50B5D100DF91
WRK-cwProp Propositional conceptual work E5B1CBD6-1023-4A88-A10D-C82277E71D6F

Total Number of Topics in the Group:3